American democracy is under attack. Authoritarian forces are gaining influence at the highest levels of government and among large segments of the population. Alarmingly, many of those driving this rise in right-wing extremism claim to follow Jesus Christ while promoting “Christian Nationalism.” This far-right ideology seeks to entrench Christianity as the dominant force in American government and society, advancing policies that reflect a narrow, exclusionary vision of faith. Beneath its rhetoric of “Christian values” lies a foundation of religious supremacy, imperialism, racism, sexism, and queerphobia—weaponized to reshape the nation’s laws and institutions in ways that are both undemocratic and profoundly unchristian.
Across the country, progressive Christians are mobilizing to reclaim the faith from those who seek to distort it. At local, state, and national levels, they are challenging the hijacking of Christianity and declaring that Christian Nationalism is not Christian at all. The far-right assault on democracy is being waged by false prophets and leaders whose values, at their core, stand in direct opposition to the gospel. As Christians rooted in Jesus’ call to love God and love our neighbors, we are committed to speaking out and standing up—to defend democracy, to protect the dignity of all people, and to affirm the rich diversity that makes our nation truly great.
With this statement, we affirm our faith in a just, inclusive, and democratic society—and reject those who seek to use Christianity as a weapon of oppression. We stand together as Christians for Democracy, declaring that our faith compels us to fight for justice, equality, and the protection of democracy for all.